Friday, 15 March 2019

Open Access Chemistry Journals-Lupine Publishers

Benzotriazole: A Versatile Synthetic Auxiliary by Siva S Panda in Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences in Lupine Publishers

Benzotriazole (BtH) is particularly versatile synthetic auxiliary because of its attractive properties. Benzotriazole can be easily inserted into molecules and equally can also act as a good leaving group. This molecule is a weak acid (pKa 8.2) as well as weak base (pKa < 0) and because of this acid-base property of benzotriazole. This molecule also shows not only electron donating but also electron attracting ability, which leads to various synthetic applications. In 1980, benzotriazole was first reported as synthetic auxiliary in organic chemistry [1]. Since then benzotriazole is used in the construction of various monocyclic and bicyclic heterocyclic compounds which are difficult to prepare by other methods [2-5].

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