Friday, 21 December 2018

Crystal and Molecular Docking Studies of 3-[Bis-(2- Hydroxy-4,4-Dimethyl-6-Oxo-Cyclohex-1-Enyl)-Methyl]Benzonitrile with Focal Adhesion Kinase Inhibitors:(AOICS)-Lupine Publishers

Crystal and Molecular Docking Studies of 3-[Bis-(2- Hydroxy-4,4-Dimethyl-6-Oxo-Cyclohex-1-Enyl)-Methyl]Benzonitrile with Focal Adhesion Kinase Inhibitors by K S Kiran in AOICS in Lupine Publishers

Cyclohexane is a non planar molecule and the shape of which is vaguely resembles a chair. The conformation of cyclohexane molecule is constantly changing with the atom on the left which is currently pointing down flipping up and the one on the right flipping down. During the process, another (slightly less stable) form of cyclohexane is formed known as the "boat" form. In this arrangement, both of these atoms are either pointing up or down at the same time. It is a cyclic alkane that melts at 6 °C and boils at 81 °C. It is nearly insoluble in water.[Bis-(2-hydroxy-4-4-dimethyl-6-oxo-cyclohex-1-enyl)-methyl]-benzonitrile-with-focal-adhesion-kinase-inhibitors.ID.000114.php

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